Must Have Cannabis Accessories To Buy In Canada


As more states legalize recreational cannabis under the Cannabis Act, the demand for fashionable ways to consume it has never been, so to say, higher. You don’t have to browse through head shop displays looking for cheap, faded, and broken items for your weekend’s sports or cultural event any longer. 

Shops, manufacturers, and companies of all kinds are catching on to the market for functional and beautiful cannabis accessories, creating items for weed enthusiasts, casual smokers, and even those who sell cannabis. This is the beginning of a transformation in cannabis accessories, which could one day equal the ubiquity of drinking products.

You might be looking for a (legal) marijuana-themed gift for a smoker in your life or yourself. Fortunately, there are a plethora of excellent cannabis accessories available. There’s something for everyone here, from handcrafted ceramic bongs for your coffee table to novelty rolling papers, inexpensive grinders, vapes, and more.

A Must-Have Cannabis Accessory: Grinder

A grinder is an essential part of any stoner’s cannabis accessory collection and shouldn’t be overlooked. When it comes to shredding your flower and rolling a beautiful J, grinders are musts. To get the herb into the perfect rollable medium, you’ll need to grind the flower with a quality grinder, and not just a random one you find off the Internet. If properly used, this cannabis accessory ensures a smooth, long-lasting roll. Make sure you choose your grinder wisely, as this cannabis accessory can make or break a solid smoking session.

Let’s have a look at all the different types of grinders and their quality.

Acrylic Grinders

As the name implies, acrylic grinders are manufactured of acrylic and don’t make for very beautiful cannabis accessories. They’re the cheapest cannabis accessory option at smoke shops and usually come in two or three parts, with the latter including a kief compartment.

While some users swear by their acrylic grinders, most people will admit they aren’t very useful. Since they have plastic teeth, they lose their sharpness quickly, making it difficult for them to pierce through your buds.

Wooden Grinders

Their wooden alternatives, like acrylic grinders, aren’t very successful at grinding cannabis. These beautiful cannabis accessories aren’t for you if you want your marijuana to be clean and evenly ground. Wooden grinders typically consist of a cover and a grinder with metal teeth that mimic nails. This cannabis accessory’s teeth aren’t very sharp; thus, they have difficulty tearing into thick, solid buds.

Metal Grinders

Metal grinders are the most effective grinders on the market, particularly among the manual types we’ve looked at so far. This cannabis accessory has sharp, metal teeth that can rip through even the thickest buds and are simple to twist.

These cannabis accessories are also highly durable, making them ideal for those who want to grind weed on the road. They can be tossed in a backpack or even dropped and, aside from a few scratches, will continue to function as before.

Electric Grinders

We recommend investing in an electric grinder if you’re bored of manually grinding your stuff and want a constant, reliable approach to acquire perfectly ground weed every time. While these beautiful cannabis accessories come in various shapes and sizes, they resemble stick blenders in appearance.

Simply place the bud in your cannabis accessory’s grinding compartment, secure it to the grinder, and press the grind button. Using this cannabis accessory, you’ll have precisely ground weed at your fingertips in a matter of seconds, ready to pack in a cone, roll in a joint, or put into a vaporizer.

Built-In Grinders

Some cannabis accessories go beyond the normal market scope, like The EZ Splitz Cap & Crusher Grinder. EZ Splitz is an airtight, odour-proof, child-resistant herb container with a built-in grinder. This cannabis accessory was designed with the needs and desires of everyday consumers in mind.

You can store your cannabis, whole or ground, in the pop-top lid. As a result, travel is simple and discreet. At the same time, the top of the container has a safety clasp that keeps your herb safe within. To use, simply drop your bud in the grinder and twist until it reaches the appropriate consistency.

The teeth of the grinder, manufactured of extremely robust plastic, will readily ground your bud. This cannabis accessory is suitable for those who want to use weed for both medicinal and recreational purposes.

Filter Tip: An Important Cannabis Accessory

When a youngster smokes a joint without a filter, they run the danger of getting flakes or loosely packed cannabis in their mouth or the back of their throat. This can be an unpleasant experience for some people, especially in the middle of a relaxing session.

While looking at a filter tip, you’ll notice the small holes that go through the crutch’s middle. These holes don’t filter the smoke in the same manner as the filter on a cigarette does. Instead, they physically prevent little bits of cannabis from being sucked through while allowing pure, unadulterated cannabis smoke to be absorbed.

As you’ll soon read, the water in a bong also acts as a natural filter, removing the same harsh smelling flakes. Filter tips are the same, and that’s why they’re more than just cannabis accessories; they’re must-haves! Remember that among these cannabis accessory products, organic tips like HMP Hemp Rolling Tips are the best.

BONGS: Bigger Than Cannabis Accessories

Bongs are very popular and usually very beautiful cannabis accessories among young persons. Bongs are healthier ways to smoke because they filter your smoke through water, resulting in a smoother, purer hit. Each cannabis accessory is unique, and bongs are no exception. Water pipes and bongs are very useful, with features such as ice catches and percolators added while also having a fashionable variety of sizes, shapes, and colours.

Ice Catcher Bongs

An Ice Catcher Bong is a cannabis accessory with a special design on the neck that allows users to pour ice into it. This feature can be used for maximum percolation as the ice cools the hits, resulting in a smooth smoking session.

Bubble Bongs

A Bubble Bong, often known as a bubbler, is a small cannabis accessory with water percolation. Consider a hand pipe that delivers smooth, chilly hits while being portable. That’s what a bubbler gives you: the best of both worlds. Bubble bongs are also among the most popular cannabis accessories and would additionally look cute if placed on your coffee table.

Recycling Bongs

A Recycling Bong is a cannabis accessory with many chambers that “recycle” your smoke and water by sending it to different chambers. This cannabis accessory uses a method that provides users with exceptional percolation, resulting in smooth and light hits. When you’re through pulling, the water will return to its original chamber, allowing you to repeat the procedure.

Ceramic Bongs

A Ceramic Bong is a cannabis accessory made of ceramic rather than glass. These beautiful cannabis accessories are usually handcrafted and would make a great addition to any collection. Ceramic bongs are must-haves if you want to beautify your coffee table with your favourite cannabis accessory!

Miniature Bongs

A Mini Bong is a small cannabis accessory that’s most convenient for those who travel a lot. Mini Bongs make up for their diminutive size by delivering tremendous hits, despite their lack of stature. You can make the most of your cannabis with a low-cost cannabis accessory that doesn’t skimp on potency.

Silicon Bongs

A silicone bong is a cannabis accessory constructed entirely of silicon that would look chic on your coffee table. A silicon bong is a blessing if you’re clumsy or simply want a bong that’ll last a long time. They’re flexible and won’t break if dropped! These cannabis accessories are ideal for travel and are easy to clean and maintain. They provide supreme resilience without sacrificing functionality.

Other Cannabis Accessories

Pre Rolled Cones: Dried herb pre roll cones are roll-your-own papers that have already been rolled for your comfort. These cannabis accessories use spacers inside paper cones to retain the neat cone shape.

Rolling Trays: Cannabis Rolling Trays offer the ideal surface for rolling a joint at home or on the go. The classic 5′′7′′ rolling tray fits comfortably on your lap and is excellent for putting in a bag, pocketbook, or book bag. You can also fit your cannabis accessories like grinders, bongs, and cones in larger rolling trays.

Vapes: Vape is a cannabis accessory that’s discreet, simple to use, and convenient to bring with you wherever you go. With cannabis vapes, there’s a minimal mess to speak of and fewer health risks. Pre-filled oil cannabis vapes come in various flavours, including distilled CO2, live resin, full-spectrum, cut/uncut oil, and terpene-infused. Under the Cannabis Act, these special vapes are now officially on the market and ready to be yours.

Safest Way to Smoke Weed

If you’re seeking the healthiest way to smoke cannabis, bear in mind that no method is entirely safe. Even when using the purest, pesticide-free bud, there are still health risks. Toxins and carcinogens found in cannabis smoke are similar to tobacco smoke, with slightly different health risks. 

However, using certain cannabis accessories and smoking techniques may have fewer health risks than others. Here’s how the various ways compare, as well as some smoke-free alternatives to think about.

To Vape Or Not To Vape

Because the risks of smoke inhalation are well-known, many people believe that vaping is a healthier alternative to smoking. Yet, it’s not that simple.

In general, the risk of vaping appears to be less than any other method for a young person, with its dangers being limited to concentrates, not flowers. There’s also a study that affirms this, with findings showing that pure vaping cannabis is less damaging to your lungs than smoking. Nonetheless, research on cannabis vaping is sparse.

People who use this cannabis accessory report higher effects than those who smoke it, regardless of the amount of THC in the product. It means there is a greater risk of overdoing it or greening out when vaping. Hence, be careful!

Vaping: Scrutinized Under The Cannabis Act

Speaking of vapes, getting high using cannabis accessories remains a political issue under the Cannabis Act. In terms of fighting for legality and fighting for reasonable grounds in the cannabis sector. Even as it grows, the Cannabis Act is plagued with inequity, favouring well-funded entrepreneurs and venture capitalists over grassroots efforts that helped legalize it in the first place.

So when purchasing a high-quality cannabis accessory for yourself in Canada, make an effort to establish these reasonable grounds by supporting dispensaries and companies that help people incarcerated for nonviolent drug charges. Thanks to activists, the Cannabis Act is already becoming more impartial towards all who sell cannabis. But, the Cannabis Act is still far from where it should ideally be.

Spliff vs. Pure Weed

Mixing cannabis and tobacco is essentially a blasphemy in the United States, Canada, and South America. Mixing is much more common in Europe, and it’s even regarded as the “typical” way of consuming cannabis.

People mix cannabis and tobacco for a variety of reasons. It could be because they enjoy the taste, the effect, or the fact that they don’t want to use more than 1 or 2 grams in a single joint. Whatever the reason, there are pros and cons to both ways of smoking (discussed here below). The benefits of smoking spliffs are:

Your Cannabis Will Last Longer

This is one of the most evident advantages to almost everyone who mixes. For most, 12-14 grams of weed is sufficient for a joint, and anything more is excessive. To spliff smokers, most pure joints contain at least one gram, a terrible waste of weed. Plus, no one enjoys relighting a cigarette that has already been lit.

A Spliff Burns More Efficiently Than A Joint

Unlike Canada, tobacco mixing became popular in Europe. Hash was the main commodity for a long period (not flowers). It was necessary to use a hashish pipe to smoke pure hashish. It could, however, be smoked in a joint if tobacco or another herbal mix was present.

Europeans still regard cannabis flowers similarly: it’s very difficult to smoke a pure joint without relighting it before each puff if you don’t have a pipe. Tobacco helps the joint burn smoothly, so one doesn’t have to light it up again repeatedly.

Flavour Is Different

This benefit can also be viewed as a disadvantage. The flavour of a spliff is unrivalled among tobacco connoisseurs. To tobacco detractors, however, the opposite is true. Many spliff smokers feel that, like peanut butter and jelly or strawberries and cream, there’s no better marriage than tobacco and cannabis. Some of these smokers even mix tobacco with weed in their cannabis accessory!

Advantages of Smoking Pure Cannabis 

Pure weed is the solution for anyone who wants to be more conscious of what they inhale. Aspects such as flavour, cost, and convenience are also essential factors to consider. We can easily debunk the myth that consuming marijuana without tobacco is difficult.

You can smoke weed using any cannabis accessory, including a vaporizer, a blunt paper, a clean pipe, a cannabis pipe, weed oil, a tobacco substitute, weed tea, and so on. Now, let’s discuss the benefits of smoking pure cannabis.

Has Superior Flavor

Tobacco alters the natural flavour of marijuana. Admit it: a cigarette doesn’t smell or taste as good as you think it does! Different terpenes in marijuana are responsible for the taste and smell of the plant, and even a certain cannabis accessory can alter the taste of a flower. On the other hand, there are differences in taste and scent and the effect or degree of cannabinoids. 

If you sell cannabis, then you already know that tobacco always tastes the same, and it messes up the delicate flavours of your beautiful cannabis strains. In any case, for enthusiasts, smoking weed without tobacco is the way to go.

Less Effect On Lung Capacity 

According to a recent study, smoking pure marijuana has no harmful effects on pulmonary functions. Another unexpected finding of this study was that pure marijuana smokers have significantly greater lung capacity. Pure marijuana has been found to serve as a bronchodilator. It’s also thought to be a type of asthma medication. Of course, not literally, but a connection can be established. Vaping has a specific effect on the lungs as well. Pure cannabis smokers strengthen their lungs by inhaling more deeply and holding their breath for longer periods.

Has a Lower Risk of Addiction

There’s evidence that high THC exposure can cause long-term mental health issues, including psychosis. When consuming high-THC products, the danger of misuse and addiction is greater, especially for a young person.

Yes, cannabis is often thought to be less addictive than tobacco. However, a 2016 study found that people who mix cannabis and cigarettes had a higher risk of becoming addicted. While the “addiction” may be to the tobacco included within the joint, the end effect is a dependency on the entire joint. Smoking pure cannabis lowers the chances of developing a cannabis addiction.

Rolling Papers & Blunts: Know Before Smoking

Although the terms blunt, spliff, and joint are sometimes used interchangeably, they’re not the same. To make matters even more confusing, pot terminology differs from one location to the next. Blunts are cigars stripped of their tobacco and replaced with marijuana. Some also use tobacco leaf wrappers to roll them.

The name “blunt” is the name of a cigar from the Philadelphia Phillies Blunt line. Also, did you know that blunts have a lot more potency? Cigars are much larger than a typical joint to store more marijuana than a normal cannabis accessory. It’s about the same as smoking six joints if you smoke an entire blunt.

Here are a few things to ponder before pulling out that tobacco leaf or going to the corner store for a blunt wrap.

Cigars & Their Wrappers Are Quite Toxic

Even if the tobacco is removed, substantial levels of cancer-causing nitrosamines and other chemicals produced during the fermentation process could still be present. Furthermore, because cigar wrappers are spongier than rolling papers, the burning process is less complete, resulting in smoke with higher toxicity levels.

You’re Inhaling Pollutants Hazardous To Your Health: No matter what kind of smoke you’re inhaling, it’s detrimental to your lungs. When smoking marijuana, you usually take a deeper breath and hold huge volumes of unfiltered smoke in your lungs for a longer time. This exposes you to even more irritants and pollutants, harming your lungs and airways even more.

Just make sure you buy your cannabis from a dispensary. To avoid unwanted positive or negative emotions, youngsters should be careful with their dosing.

Other Ways to Consume Cannabis

Edible: In contrast to smoking or using a cannabis accessory like vaping, eating cannabis has no adverse effects on your lungs. For some, the disadvantage is that edibles take longer to work because they must pass through the digestive system before reaching the bloodstream. On the plus side, the effects will last longer. You can also choose from a wide range of products, including candy, baked goods, and cannabutter.

Sublingual: These are frequently confused with edibles, but they’re not the same. Unlike edibles, you don’t swallow sublingual forms of cannabis, such as tinctures, films, and dissolvable tablets.

Tinctures: Tinctures are cannabis extracts infused with alcohol and packaged in bottles with droppers. You can mix tinctures into drinks using a cannabis accessory, but you can also obtain the benefits quickly by putting a few drops beneath your tongue (depending on the dose you want).

Topicals: Cannabis topicals are for folks who want the medicinal benefits of marijuana without the high. If you sell cannabis, you know that Topical creams, balms, and patches reduce inflammation and pain. As approved by the Cannabis Act, you can also apply them to your skin. Cannabis lubrication is also available for sexual purposes.

Indica & Sativa: Not So Different!

Cannabis is commonly divided into two types: Cannabis indica and Cannabis sativa. For years, taxonomists have debated the differences between the two, but for the typical customer, the contrast is clear. People have traditionally associated Indica-dominant flowers with drowsiness, while Sativa-dominant varieties have stimulating effects. Flowers classified as “hybrid” fall somewhere in between.

Ultimately, each cannabis plant has its mix of active chemicals and aromatic molecules. If current thinking is correct, the interaction between these chemicals causes the various effects that different cannabis strains induce.

Surprisingly, a study suggests that average CBD and THC levels across Indica- and Sativa-dominant varieties don’t differ all that much. This classification has less to do with the plant’s genus and more with how you feel after smoking it. However, as we all know, everyone reacts to cannabis in their unique way.

A “Sativa-dominant” flower may energize one person, while it may feel calming to another. The cannabis accessory you use to get high on also affects your experience. Whether the label reads Indica, Sativa, or hybrid, your body chemistry, mood, and physical environment can all influence your experience.

A young person can easily mistake Indica or Sativa for the strain’s potency, which is wrong. To learn just how strong the weed you want to buy is, you should instead read its label and look for CBD and THC milligrams.

How to Read Cannabis Labels

The number of active cannabis components included in a product will always be listed on a cannabis label. The content of the two major cannabinoids, CBD and THC, is usually listed as well. These are two of the most crucial substances to know when it comes to cannabis.

CBD stands for cannabidiol, a non-intoxicating chemical. CBD can affect the brain, but it isn’t the same as the “high” associated with marijuana. THC, on the other hand, is the major component inducing cannabis intoxication. The more THC in a substance, the more intense the effects become.

Depending on the type of substance, the CBD and THC content is listed in a different format. CBD and THC content may be listed in the following places, depending on what you buy:

  • Milligrams per gram or milligrams per unit (for flower, soft gels)
  • Milligrams per gram, or mg/g (for cannabis oils)
  • Milligrams per unit (mg/unit) (for edibles)

The figures listed following “TOTAL THC” and “TOTAL CBD” on cannabis flower labels are the ones to pay attention to. According to the Cannabis Act, these numbers indicate the amount of each chemical present after the flower has been heated—that is when you smoke or vaporize it.

Medical Cannabis

In Canada, medical marijuana is cannabis utilized to cure or relieve pain or condition rather than for recreational or divine purposes. You may find it interesting to know that you can use this strain with a cannabis accessory as well. If used for therapeutic purposes, medical cannabis can create an intended positive or negative emotion. Remember that any form of cannabis containing an effective level of cannabinoids can be deemed medicinal cannabis.

Deciding to use medicinal cannabis (also known as medical marijuana) is often simple. Choosing which kind to buy, though, can be difficult. Before learning about cannabis as a medication, many of our patients and clients had never cultivated or even tried it. Even for those who have, it’s not that simple.

Although any type of cannabis can be used medicinally or recreationally, knowing what works for recreational and social purposes isn’t the same as knowing which cannabis varieties are ideal for specific medical conditions.

Medical Cannabis Use

Among other conditions, the following ailments and symptoms are treated with cannabis:

  • Muscle cramps and spasms induced by Multiple Sclerosis or spinal cord injury nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss, and weakness caused by cancer or AIDS.
  • Nausea and vomiting caused by cancer, hepatitis C, HIV, or AIDS medications, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy
  • Chronic pain, mainly when caused by nerve injury or related to the neurological system.
  • Treatment-resistant glaucoma  
  • Tourette’s Syndrome (a neurological disorder causing tics)

Many countries now have medical cannabis programs in place. These laws range from just legalizing cannabinoid-containing products (such as Sativex) to requiring a prescription to obtain cannabis flowers. Cannabis can be recommended in the latter situation for patients who are suffering from:

  • Cancer
  • Parkinson’s disease (a neurological disorder)
  • Psoriasis epilepsy multiple sclerosis
  • AIDS
  • Chronic pain resistant to normal treatment

Cannabis Act: Federal Legalization in Canada

The Administration and Opportunity Cannabis Act repeals the CSA and mandates the creation of a new definition of the Cannabis Act under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. These institutes supervise the regulation of cannabis in food, dietary supplements, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and the Cannabis Act.

The present hemp exception would be preserved under the new definition. According to the Cannabis Act, possession, manufacture, and distribution of cannabis would continue to be regulated by state law. Regardless of provincial legislation, bringing cannabis into a state in violation of state law would remain illegal. Furthermore, diversion from the Cannabis Act is a federal crime.

Diversion is defined as illicit activities, possession, manufacture, distribution, or acquisition of 10 pounds or more of cannabis in violation of federal or state law. However, the Cannabis Act also specifies that a state may not prevent cannabis from moving beyond its boundaries for authorized delivery into another form. This is analogous to the present interstate transportation restrictions on hemp and hemp-derived goods.

Cannabis Provincial Legislation in Canada

In tandem with Cannabis Act C-46, An Act to Amend the Criminal Code, the Cannabis Act (also known as Bill C-45) legalized recreational cannabis consumption in Canada. After the prohibition of 1923, this Cannabis Act marks a watershed moment in the legal history of cannabis in the federal government of Canada.

The House of Commons passed this Cannabis Act in late November 2017, and the Senate on June 7, 2018, with the House accepting minor Senate revisions and returning the bill to the Senate on June 18. Later on, On June 19, the Senate passed the final version of the Cannabis Act with more reasonable grounds, which then gained Royal Assent. After Uruguay, Canada is the second country to legalize recreational cannabis and allow cannabis accessories on a national level.

Bottom Line

Thanks to the Cannabis Act, you can now shop for your favourite cannabis accessory from numerous places, online and offline. The Cannabis Act is even getting our hopes up for legalization beyond Canada. Of course, you can still enjoy a freshly rolled joint while still complying with Canada’s Cannabis Act even now.

Pretty cool, right? The only barrier between you and a refreshing smoking session at this very moment is a properly-picked strain. You can find flowers that best suit your style simply by reading the label. However, don’t forget that a cannabis accessory is more often just as necessary as the flower is. And so, you must pay attention to how and where you buy it from.

The Herb Center is Canada’s most reputable mail-order marijuana source. To provide our valued customers with the finest experience, we provide the lowest pricing at our online cannabis store. 

We have over ten years of experience in the cannabis market. We are ready to meet all of your needs! Contact us right now to find out why we’re Canada’s top dispensary for the finest cannabis accessories, flower concentrates, vapes, edibles, CBD, and more!

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